Saturday, August 26, 2006

We practiced, we anticipated!

Auditions passed, we didn't really land ourselves a spot for Teacher's Day Performance but got ourselves aother bigger something!
Perform For Prom...

And we didn't have to ask but were invited to do that!
Pity My Prom-Date:)

Guess Our Song wasn't really perfect for auditions, but I bet we played much better, more skills definitely but just a little on the 'Wrong Type Of Song Section'...

Although we didn't get it, I thouroughly enjoyed myself...
It was 100% like the 'Battle Of The Bands' Scene...
5 or 6 bands sitting in our own spot and talking and preparing ourselves for the audition...
Hope to do another one too...

Just heard that we might perform for a little event in school too...but that's not 100% confirmed...
I just hope we get it!

Pray, Pray A Little Harder!